Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Manifesting Desired Results Through Strength Of Purpose

I'm typing this from my iPhone.
For 9 years I worked for a man who was quadriplegic. I worked 3 overnights a week with him. Anyway Oct 14 about 330pm he shot himself in the heart and died. Earlier in the year my main job of which I was working 62 hrs a week cut all employees hours to 40 hours a week. That was effectively a 2 week pay check gone. Combined this with Toms death and my income plummeted.

Which brings me to this post. The first income hit I basically absorbed it as overnights is what I needed and working for Tom half the week left few options. Anyway when Tom died it opened the door to new employment.

Typing w/ an iPhone leaves a lot to be desired. Anyway..I decided I would be positive minded that my income would increase and that I would find the perfect situation that would fit all the needs of my life.

One month later I am working 5 nights a week overnights in a home with people who have physical disabilities.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Rising Above Earthly Issues

So I have been thinking about you God. I have been reading that website on near death experiences and it has opened a lot of awareness and reaffirmation for me. Things that are going on right now are typical of life. It is my desire to rise above the turmoil and keep the higher values in mind. All the stuff that is going on right now is just typical life. How I react to them is what ny choice s are.
When people are negative to us and get mad at us and want to punish us in their own ways..it is tempting to respond in kind. Sometimes the best thing we can do is stay away from having contact with them.
Sometimes people you think care show you they don't in some ways.. Well maybe on some levels they do but I would say those are levels that are not shown very much.
To be continued.

All We Can Do At This Point

All we can do at this point is understand what is going on the possible reasons. We are at a point that we can't change. Or can we in time? I think not. One should look else where to plan for the future. 

One should plan on what to do when this situation changes. Will mother nature step in and clean up our mess? I think so. For a long time we have been warned about what we need to do to reduce the possibility. Oh what our children are going to have to inherit from our generations and our forefathers generations actions.

We are a slave to our industrialized food production system. We are a slave to industrialized dependence on energy produced by oil. We kill for oil and call it the war on terror. 

Do you know that Henry Ford originally envisioned the automotive industry to run on corn oil, or biofuels as it is called today. However shortly there after it is speculated big oil interest had the controversial prohibition enacted that made it illegal to process corn, including the process that would have allowed to make biofuels. Hence the automtive and oil industries were marked in some would say an un-holy union.

That is just an aside to the idea, no the reality that big business is firmly in control of our energy situation. It is the same with food, many many cases of small farmers being forced into slavery of big business. 

This article is not about proving this statements. That is beyond the scope of a single article. No this article is about taking a look at the future and noting what you see. What do you see? Project outwards into time our present behaviors as human beings and what do you see as a race, as a species, what is our just rewards?